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Hi this is Teddy. When I was a little boy, there is many bamboo in my hometown. At that time, I was always suprised that the bamboo grew up so quickly. So during that time, I started thinking that bamboo is not only delicious for food, but also it can be very useful for other things. Years after years, I really found that bamboo could be a subsitute for plastic.

Because the over use of plastic products in our life, there are so many people losing health and even lives every day. I really hope that I could do something to change that. Bamboo is so natural and so flexible, it’s really a good substitute. Especially the bamboo fiber. It comes from Nature and back to nature. That’s why we created our own brand Origin Bamboo. And also we started our website originbamboo.com. With the hope of letting more and more people realise the harms of plastic and use bamboo fiber product instead, we are exploring more production made of bamboo fiber and make sure all the products are 100% biodegradable and really organic.

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